Since I was little my favorite story was Little Red Riding Hood. My dad used to tell us the story by heart and I love it just as much as looking at the illustrations in the book. My eyes detailing every single color and shape.
In this particular tale the moral and practical applications of the story was very obvious even for a toddler, but for me the underlying story was what made this story so powerful.
The more I listened the more I was convinced its worth to walk alone in the woods for a good cause or sometimes even for sense of adventure and autonomy, despite the encounter with a wolf I will still be kind to strangers and hope the best from people because if something my kid- brain was conditioned from the story was to believe there’s ALWAYS HOPE even if it feels like it’s the end of the story and you are being swallowed whole. There’s hope.
Even if you find yourself in the darkness of the stomach of a BEAST you do not lose HOPE.
Wherever you are in your story, be patient because your tale has a happy ending. As big as a whale or as fierce as a wolf, don’t lose heart! You got this!
Image from Elizabeth Sanchez Art. All Rights Reserved